These two and a half decades have seen drastic changes nationally and internationally.  Staggering, unprecedented national debts have ruptured economies around the globe driving people to the streets and the poorhouse.  Dictatorships once considered impregnable have toppled like dominoes. 
Religion too, has trended away from more traditional worship to the era of mega churches with mega budgets, and media blitzing to spread the thousands of versions of the Biblical gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). 
And who can ignore the explosion of technologies spread-headed by the internet and cell phones, driving everything from social media, to our cars and our shopping habits! 
During these tumultuous decades INSIGHT has been there…sometimes well ahead of events!  For example, in a 1999 issue if INSIGHT we predicted a major nation-shaking event on September 12, 2001.  Off by just one day, our prediction materialized as what everyone now knows as 9-11-2001!!  This was no accident, but was a calculated date based on the Bible. 
At the core of INSIGHT’S message of hope through the coming Kingdom of Yahweh, is the Law of Yahweh. This perfect law of liberty (James 1:25) administered by that government will bring the age-old hoped for peace and prosperity for all! 

INSIGHT is a FREE print magazine subscription provided for the last 25 years as part of ICY’s efforts to fulfill the commission given the New Testament assembly (Mark 16:15). Each issue brings important points of Yahweh’s Law to light. Many of these are fresh, new understandings of Yahweh’s Word. Tough doctrinal issues are explored in depth and prophesied events are examined with updates. INSIGHT gives truths of Yahweh’s Word not found elsewhere. This helps our readers stay abreast of the pivotal topics of Scripture; much needed information in a world of rapid change, accelerating technology and widespread religious confusion. INSIGHT is sent free to all who subscribe which is made possible by the freewill offerings of the members of ICY and other contributors since ICY does not teach tithing on money. Join our growing family of readers in over thirty-five countries. We feel there really is no Biblically oriented magazine quite like it. Perhaps you will agree. 
INSIGHT does not “skirt around” crucial doctrine vital to salvation. The INSIGHT and ICY’s supporting literature are devoted to basic truths of the Bible relating to prophecy, sacred names, law and grace, the holy days, the restored Biblical calendar, new moons, tithing, the Biblical international dateline, pagan holidays, Christian freedom, current events and much more. 



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We also have available for our readers’ convenience 20 past issues of INSIGHT available for digital download. Simply click the links below to view each entire issue in PDF format. Below each link are the articles included within each issue.


INSIGHT V11N1 – Wars & Rumors of Wars
Take Precautions with Prophecy
Why New Moon Observance Matters
What you did not know about the Sunset-to-Sunset Day
2025-2026 Sacred calendars
Election 2024 – Will this one have the answers?
The Truth about the Dispensation of Grace
Wars & Rumors of Wars

INSIGHT V10N4 – AI: Will it Rule the World?
Five Unscriptural Calendar Beliefs
The Real Causes of Drought
2024-2025 Sacred Calendars
The “Silent” Sin Seldom Discussed that will keep us out of the Kingdom
Appointment with Destiny!
Kingdom of Yahweh – Will it have a wall separating church and state?
AI – Where is AI taking us? Will it rule the world?

INSIGHT V10N3 – Great Britain In Transition
Choices & Consequences
The Divine Name
2023-2024 Sacred Calendars
Tithing on the Increase
Baptism in Yahshua’s Name
Weightier Matters of the Law
Great Britain in Transition

INSIGHT V10N2 – Your Home in the Universe

Freedom is on the Line

His Name is Yahweh


The Second Coming

The Global COVID-19 Test

2021-2022 Calendars

Your Home in the Universe

INSIGHT V10N1 – End of the Age

Did Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Know the Creator by His Name “Yahweh”?

Sermon on the Mount

Who is Jesus?

Did Apostle Paul “Do Away” with the Law?

What Does the New Testament “Hide” Is it Testing Us?

Born Again? Are you a “Born Again Christian”…or Not?


2020-2021 Calendars

The Final Sign of the End of the Age. What is it?

INSIGHT V9N4 – Stone of Scone

It is All About the Kids

Question & Answer

What is the True Gospel Message?


2019-2020 Calendars

Sixth Year Ahead

The Stone of Destiny

INSIGHT V9N3 – How much are your taxes?

The Legal Case of Passover vs. Easter

Who is the Woman of Revelation 12:1?

Yahshua was Crucified Wednesday, the 15th of Abib

How Much are Your Taxes?

2018-2019 Calendars

Why Do You Tithe on Money?

INSIGHT V9N2 – Signs in the Sun & Moon…And on Earth Distress

America’s Health Crisis

If You Can Believe

The Lost Years of Yahshua: Ages 13-30

The Biblical Calendar Issue

Fast and Furious End Times?

INSIGHT V9N1 – European Union…on the Brink – Where is the EU Headed?

Who Changed the Passover Observance to Easter?

Impossible Forgiveness

What You Were Not Told About Scriptural Leavening?

2017 & 2018 Sacred Calendars

European Union…On the Brink? Where is the EU Headed?

INSIGHT V8N4 – Wake-Up America!

Second Historic US Election Looms: The Year of the Outsider!

The Romanizing of America!

Booths at the Feast of Tabernacles

Seven Facts you were NOT Taught About Atonements

2017 Sacred Calendar

The Cold Within

The Financial Saga of Three Families

Wake Up America!

INSIGHT V8N3 – How to Save America

What is Needed for Success?

What is Baptism for the Dead?

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Appointment with Destiny

Woman Sitting on Seven Hills

Revelations’ 200 million Cavalrymen

How to Save America, or any nation

INSIGHT V8N2 – Solomon’s Temple – Will it be rebuilt?

Does the Condition of Barley determine the First Month of the Year?

Signs of the Times

2014-2015 Sacred Calendars

How People Get Their Religious Beliefs

Will the Temple in Jerusalem by Rebuilt? A ‘Third Temple’?

Solomon’s Temples: Edifice for the Ages

INSIGHT V8N1 – Armageddon and World Peace…inching closer?

What Will the Current Seventh Year Land Sabbath Hold?

How Spiritual Are You?

North African and Middle Eastern Tumult Continues

What to do in a Sabbatical Year

Armageddon & World Peace – Inching Closer!

INSIGHT V7N4 – “…they shall beat their swords into plowshares…” In this generation?

The ‘True Church’ and the ‘Signs of the Times’

Are the Monthly New Moons Sabbaths?

Can We Earn Salvation by Keeping the Law?

2012 & 2013 Sacred Calendars

The Lunar Sabbath Theory

Swords into Plowshares: In this Generation?

INSIGHT V7N3 – Ten Horns Rising

Clean and Unclean Foods in the New Testament

Mark 14:30 – Does it prove a Biblical “broader definition” of day (light) which includes night (darkness)?

The Nerve of Zacchaeus

The Ten Horns of the Revelation Beast and Radical Islam

INSIGHT V7N2 – World Economies Crash

Pentecost is on the First Day of the Week

Our Readers Write

Should we observe Hanukkah?

What is ‘Baptism for the Dead’ referring to in I Corinthians 15:28-30?

The Scriptural Day

What are the REAL causes of the world’s continuing economic woes?

INSIGHT V7N1 – Historic U.S. Election Looms

How can we know the Father’s name is Yahweh?

Our Readers Write

The Two Groups of 144,000: Two Equals One?

2009 & 2010 Sacred Calendars

Christian Freedom and the Law

Historic U.S. Presidential Election Looms!

Eye on Georgia

INSIGHT V6N4 – King of Greece

The coming King of Greece

Daniel 9 & the 2,300 Days

2008 Sacred Calendar

“With this ring, I thee wed.”

INSIGHT V6N3 – Is Satan’s Throne Under Siege?

Wars & Rumors of Wars


2006 & 2007 Sacred Calendars

Have you heard The Good News of the Kingdom?

The U.S. – Iraqi War: A prelude to the rise and fall of Babylon?

What Teens Say

Land Sabbath

INSIGHT V6N2 – WHY? Tsunami 2004: What does it mean?

Passover: Why and When?

2005 Sacred Calendar

Out with the Leaven

What is True Worship?

Pentecost 2005: Who is counting correctly?

Tsunami 2004: What does it mean?

INSIGHT V6N1 – Passover vs. Easter

Passover vs. Easter

The Curse of the Law

The Mars Land Rovers: Will they find life on the Red Planet?

Law and Grace and the “Dispensation of Grace”

INSIGHT V5N4 – Asteroid Impacts: A Doomsday Threat?

The Book for All Seasons

In YOUR Lifetime?

“Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.”

Do You Worship Yahweh or God?

Passover is a Sabbath

Who are the Ten Horns of the Beast of Revelation?

International Congregation of Yahweh