Four Neglected Facts About Passover

Is Passover merely a symbolic observance with no need for a special month, day or time of day? Does it matter?   Will any time, place or any group do just as well so long as we are sincere?  For instance, should Passover be observed at the day’s beginning or at evening near the end of the day?  Is Passover, the fourteenth of the first month, an annual Sabbath?  Or is the fifteenth day of the first month the first annual Sabbath? Does the “night to be observed” follow Passover the next evening?

And did the Jews of Yahshua’s day observe Passover on the correct day?  Or did Yahshua and His disciples disagree with their Jewish calendar date in 31 A.D.? But again, “Do they really matter; all these questions over timing; so long as our heart is right and we are sincere?”  Yes.  Sincerity is no test of authenticity nor proof that ‘our heart really is right’ with Yahweh.  “Sincerely wrong” is still wrong.  “And why call you Me Master, Master, and do not the things which I say?” (Lk. 6:46)

If these facts about Passover are a needless worry, why did Yahweh Himself, set the rules of Passover’s timing?  Remember He said, “What thing soever I command you, observe to do it:  thou shalt not add thereto nor diminish from it.” (Deut. 12:32). Did He, the All Powerful Creator of the Universe, really mean that?

Get the facts, the neglected facts about Passover!  Read, “Four Neglected Facts about Passover,” Our life in the here-and-now and on into eternity, depends on getting them right!



Is Passover merely a symbolic observance with no need for a special month, day or time of day? Does it matter?   Will any time, place or any group do just as well so long as we are sincere?  For instance, should Passover be observed at the day’s beginning or at evening near the end of the day?  Is Passover, the fourteenth of the first month, an annual Sabbath?  Or is the fifteenth day of the first month the first annual Sabbath? Does the “night to be observed” follow Passover the next evening?

And did the Jews of Yahshua’s day observe Passover on the correct day?  Or did Yahshua and His disciples disagree with their Jewish calendar date in 31 A.D.? But again, “Do they really matter; all these questions over timing; so long as our heart is right and we are sincere?”  Yes.  Sincerity is no test of authenticity nor proof that ‘our heart really is right’ with Yahweh.  “Sincerely wrong” is still wrong.  “And why call you Me Master, Master, and do not the things which I say?” (Lk. 6:46)

If these facts about Passover are a needless worry, why did Yahweh Himself, set the rules of Passover’s timing?  Remember He said, “What thing soever I command you, observe to do it:  thou shalt not add thereto nor diminish from it.” (Deut. 12:32). Did He, the All Powerful Creator of the Universe, really mean that?

Get the facts, the neglected facts about Passover!  Read, “Four Neglected Facts about Passover,” Our life in the here-and-now and on into eternity, depends on getting them right!

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International Congregation of Yahweh