Feast of Tabernacles


Each year Yahweh commands that we celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, one of His annual Sabbaths (Lev. 23:2, 34-37). The Messiah, Yahshua, kept this feast (John 7:8, 11, 14-15). As John records (ch. 7 v. 11), the Jews clearly expected to see Him at the Feast of Tabernacles. This was obviously His custom, and the example we are to follow (I Pet. 2:21). We have included some pictures taken during ICY’s celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in Branson, Missouri.


As they show, this great festival is a time of informal get-togethers, a time to enjoy each other’s company, relax, perhaps renew acquaintances, and catch up on sharing our core beliefs.


Also during this time, Yahweh’s Holy Days are observed with services in which serious reflection and Bible study are an integral part.

We hope to see you in one of these pictures in the future. Come and enjoy Yahweh’s blessings with us!




Pictures of past Feast of Tabernacles Celebrations

click images for larger views

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International Congregation of Yahweh