• Both Old and New Testaments are inspired and must be used as the foundation of the congregations of Yahweh.
o II Tim. 3:15-16
o Ephesians 2:20
• All laws of the Torah are to be kept literally with the exception of animal sacrifices.
o Matthew 5:17-18 (Reference for 5:18 => Matthew 3:15)
o Luke 16:17
• The Melchizadek priesthood now replaces the Levitical priesthood in many duties, and actively officiates in priestly responsibilities.
o Hebrew 1:2; 2:17; 3:1; 5:6 (Reference for 5:6 => Psalm 110:4 – Yahshua and high priest)
o Hebrew 5:10; 6:20; 7:24; 7:20 (church)
o Church: I Peter 2:5, 9 – Holy Priesthood
• The Holy Spirit of Yahweh is a power not a person. There is no trinity teaching in Scripture.
• The Scriptural Sabbaths must still be observed as Holy Days. These include the weekly Saturday Sabbath and the annual Holy Days mentioned in Leviticus ch. 23. These Sabbaths (weekly and annual) must be observed from dawn-to-dark, not sunset-to-sunset. The only exception is the Pre-Atonements Sabbath rest which goes from noon-to-sunset.
o Hebrew 4:9 – weekly Sabbath
o Luke 13:10 – Yahshua taught on the Sabbath
o Acts 2:1 – Pentecost
• Biblical tithing is required only on agricultural produce, and does not include money. Only a personal vow to give a tenth of money earned would obligate a person to give ten percent of their monetary earnings to Yahweh. Vows are strictly voluntary, and none is under any obligation to make such a vow.
o Matthew 23:23 – Produce
o Leviticus 27:30 – 1st to Levites
o Deuteronomy 12:5-10 – 2nd Tithe (the tither eats)
o Deuteronomy 12:22-25 – Not money; v. 28 – 3rd – within your gates ONLY
o Genesis 14:20 – Abraham’s “tithing” of all [v. 20] was part of a vow he made (v.22, 23): “I have lifted up mine hand to Yahweh [vowed]…that I will not take….” The tithe of all the spoils of war was far more than required by the Law regulating the disposal of spoils of war (Num. 31:21-30). [See our book “Biblical Tithing is NOT on Money”; pp. 22-27].
o Genesis 28:20 – Jacob’s vow
o I Corinthians 9:14 – They which preach the gospel should live of the gospel
• The day of the New Moon is Biblically a day of worship and a feast day. It begins at that longitude and latitude where dawn is breaking when the conjunction of the sun and moon occur. The New Moon occurs at the conjunction. The day of the New Moon is the first day of the month.
o Isaiah 66:23 – Sign
o Ephesians 2:21 – Foundation
o Ezekiel 20:20 – Sign
o Ezekiel 46:3 – Worship
• Repentance of sin and baptism in Yahshua’s Name are necessary for salvation.
o Acts 2:38; 3:19
o Luke 13:3
• Circumcision of male babies is required on the eighth day after birth. The eight-day count for circumcision: (1) Day one begins the day of birth if the boy is born during the daylight hours from dawn-to-dark, OR (2) Day one begins with the next dawn if he is born during the night.
o Leviticus 12:2-3
o Luke 1:59
o Colossians 2:12-13
o Acts 7:8
o I Peter 2:21
• The personal Name of the Creator of heaven and earth is Yahweh, and must be used exclusively in worship. His son’s name is Yahshua. Under no circumstances can such nouns as God, Lord, or Jesus be substituted in their place.
o Exodus 20:7 – YHWH 7,000 times
• There is a commission to the congregations of Yahweh to preach the gospel to the world at large. However, this great commission centers around preaching the gospel to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. In truth, the Messiah was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This includes the tribe of Judah (Jews) and the other eleven tribes most of whom were scattered among the nations following the Assyrians captivity.
o Matthew 28:19-20
o Mark 16:15
o Matthew 26:29 – Father’s Kingdom
o Matthew 10:6 & 15:24 – Lost sheep
o John 10:27
• Yahshua, the Messiah, will return to earth and set up a world-ruling government based on the Torah Law of Scripture. This government is often called “the Kingdom of Yahweh.”
o Matthew 3:2; 4:17; 26:29 – Father’s King
o I Corinthians 15:24
• The food laws of Lev. 11 and Deut. 14 are binding. These prohibit eating pork, catfish, and various seafood for example.
o Leviticus 11:8 – Flesh
o Deuteronomy 14